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  1. Disaster DON'T


    1. Don’t Panic! Panic causes a massive number of avoidable casualties. Breathe! Think! Act! You can panic later. During an event… you do not have that luxury! You need your wits about you and however scary the event may be, if you panic you go into sheep mode. Many casualties are caused during the flight from the initial event. Do not be caught in a crowd that is in panic, if you lose your footing you may not get back up. Think first and then ...

    Updated 12-05-2014 at 07:15 PM by yhokz101

  2. Disaster DO’S


    1. Do have a plan. Most don’t. Make one and discuss it. Make sure it involves your family and then go and make a second one… that involves your work place! Most of us have one of three plans already, which one are you currently using?

    • “The Other guy plan” It will not happen to me, it will happen to some other guy.
    • “The Ostrich plan” I shall bury my head in the sand and ignore the threat.
    • “The Harry Potter” plan. Rescue and Relief agencies
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