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  1. Have a break and enjoy nature. . .

    Want to have summer the entire year?

    Enjoy you short vacation anytime of the year through island hopping adventure in Cebu.

    Just choose any, 3 from the five islets in Cebu, and we'll get you there. You can rent a boat

    without corkage fee when you bring in your own food and drinks. Bond more with family ,

    friends and office mates when you avail our tour with Filipino food serving buffet from set A

    to E and sing along while traveling ...
  2. Untitled

    It was that day that I can't remember how I met you,
    I can only remember your scent that surrounds the place where we are into.
    The sound of silence breaks my soul, when a touch of you made me whole.

    I found the best of me, thinking what you have made me.

    You are the being that makes my everything,
    A life in it's beginning, when it’s started to end.

    Our ways seem to cross on it’s parallel sideway,
    How could I hold thy ...
  3. si DUKA. . .

    There are times that I long for you and needed you.
    Those sleepness nights, days, and weeks..are hard enough without you.
    You just got out of nowhere, just a drink and you disappear. . .
    There are times when you're there, feels like dying.
    When I cannot control myself and close my eyes.
    when I need you and you came, feels like heaven until morning.
    When you're with me, my mood swings.
    You're uncontrolable, makes me comfortable.
    When I want to be ...
  4. missing you. . .

    I just met you,
    But we shared each others life.
    You cared for me as no one does,
    I felt the love that I always wanted,
    I know you are the one,I have loved you, you're special.
    I missed you when we cannot talk,
    I missed you more when you're busy,
    I am missing you everyday,
    I always go back to our memories,
    The bond that we have will never be broken,
    I will take care of this, and will wait for you again.
    Your smile, your words, your
  5. maybe. . . . .

    Life is somehow ironic. When you want something, you could have that or have something else better, or something that you do not want.
    does it happen to love as well?
    I have learned that if you want to be in a position, you have to work for it, if you want to have those luxurius things that could make your life better, you have to work it, if you want to have money you have to work for it.
    In love, do you have to work for the one you love so you can have him/her?
    How is ...
  6. Beyond forgetting-Rolando A. Carbonell

    For a moment I thought I could forget you. For a moment I thought I could still the restlessness in my heart. I thought the past could no longer haunt me-nor hurt me. How wrong I was! For the past, no matter how distant is as much a part of me as life itself. And you are part of that life. You are so much a part of me-of my dreams, my early hopes, my youth and my ambitions-that in all my tasks I can’t help remembering you. Many little delights and things remind me of you. Yes, I came. And would ...
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