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  1. #1

    Default "MLM" for People who wanted to star a business (Pros & Cons)

    For those who are thinking of going into this business or those who are still sceptical and want to learn more about it, let us discuss the major PROS and CONS of MLM Business.

    Article Source: Pros And Cons Of MLM Business


    Start-Up Cost Is Low - This is actually one of the best things about MLM business. You do not have to have huge amount of money to be able to get the initial package with products and the training to start MLM. All you have to do is sign-up, pay the registration fee and pay the products inclusive of your initial product supply. You are now ready to start selling!

    High Quality Products - research on a number of MLM manufacturers show that products that they actually manufacture are of high quality and standards. That is why a lot of people actually would want to buy the products. But we all know that MLM is not just selling the products but convincing other people to invest in the business as well.

    You Are Your Own Boss - definitely one of the best aspects of this business is that you don't have to answer to anybody but yourself. Just like running your own conventional type of business MLM lets you set your own phasing. It is up to you whether you want to take your time or go on a faster mode.

    Work From Home - you don't have to go or commute to work every day. You can do cold calls and lead generation at home. You can invite people including your friends and acquaintances to listen to your business opportunity seminar at home. You can already take care of your business while taking care of your family. You can even do other businesses if you manage your time well.


    Frustration - this can eat you up because of so many things about MLM. You might start very fast, very productive but will get plenty of rejections. You might also read and hear a lot of negative feedback about MLM causing you to think twice or doubt as to why you entered this business in the first place.

    Wrong Reasons - because business opportunity meetings and seminars are designed to get people who are listening into an excited mood or get them hyped and ready to sign-up anytime; they tend to think that this is a business of easy money. It is not. The truth is MLM requires a lot of work, a lot of convincing power and determination. You will invite people to listen. Sometimes you might get 20-30 audience but zero converts.

    Rejections - this is the hardest thing to cope with. After the first, second and third rejection you will probably say to yourself that you don't want to continue anymore. And when that happens that will be the end of your MLM career.

    Doubts - you might encounter a lot of people with different doubts about MLM and some of it might rub onto you. You might also start doubting if you can actually make it in this business or not. You might even doubt your company if they are actually going to deliver their end of the bargain.

    please share your ideas.
    Article Source: Pros And Cons Of MLM Business

  2. #2

    Default Re: "MLM" for People who wanted to star a business (Pros & Cons)


    If you meet Noel Velasquez of Planetbiz (aka Planet Mobile Tech), then GOOD LUCK....

  3.    Advertisement

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