Weekly Gaming Update by Pinoy Gamer! Lets talk about the TnC Manager "Paolo Sy" lied for Kuku, Fortnite Unban, Ragnarok M November Events and Updates, Rules of Survival NimoTV, Overwatch Free Week, Fighting Ex Layer Launch Date and Command and Conquer Remaster.


TnC Manager Lied for KuKu
- Last week we talk about the drama in the Dota community regarding racial slurs used by Filipino Pro Players against Chinese players
- Unfortunately the story doesn't end there as now TnC’s manager Paulo Sy issue a statement that it was him who lied and not Kuku
- here is the summary he's confession
- Apparently the excuse Kuku used on weibo where he's just calling the other player with the racial slur was posted by him
- and that he was using Kuku’s account
- which was proven to be not true because the Chinese player only change he's id after the remarks
- the TnC manager also admitted that he saw this opportunity as a cover up on what kuku did
- which we all right now made things worsed
- he also shared the sentiment that he was a coward because he didn't confess immediately - to this we actually commend Paolo Sy
- he added Kuku is a good kid who is stupid enough to say things he don't fully understand but in the end Kuku is not a liar
- So what's the response of the community about this?
- For the Philippine Dota community? well it's mostly positive
- for the rest of the world well they think this apology should have been said earlier
- some even speculating this was a cover up and that the TnC manager is a scapegoat
- whatever it is TnC already apologized, more than once at this point

Command and Conquer Remaster
- EA confirmed they are planning to remaster Command and Conquer along with its prequels and sequel Red Alert!
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert will be released as a single remastered collection without microtransactions
- It's also confirmed that the classic expansions for the games like counter strike and aftermath will be included with no extra cost

Fighting Ex Layer PC Launch Date
- Arika announced that the PC version of Fighting EX Layer will launch via Steam on November 30 while the PS4 version will receive an update
- Fighting Ex Layer will include 15 of its classic characters which have been updated with new models for better graphics

Fortnite Unban
- Epic games is apologizing to players who are incorrectly banned
- in compensation this players are also receiving 2000 vbucks which roughly around 1k pesos

Overwatch Free Week
- If you haven't tried Overwatch well good news!
- because there's going to be free trial next week from Nov 20 to 26
- The free trial will include all heroes and game mode along with Ashe, Overwatch's new playable Hero

Ragnarok M November Events and Updates
- Ragnarok M’s gifting feature will now only be available for characters above level 30
- also real money are not allowed in the game like account selling and other related to real money
- and here are the November events for Ragnarok Mobile
- Turkey Feast Celebration
- Gashapon Summer style series costume
- Thanksgiving Rewards
- So those are the current Ragnarok M November events

Rules of Survival NimoTV
- Rules and Survival, MET and NimoTV partnered to an upcoming RoS Tournament called Philippine Champions League S1
- The tournament will be broadcasted live exclusively on NimoTV
- with challengers of the ROS-NimoTV Philippine Champions League S1 to fight over PHP 500,000 worth of prizes