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  1. #1

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    hey guys, kung kinsa tong nakabasa, post your reviews here...
    ako wala pa ko kahuman..hehe...

  2. #2

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    ganahan ka apilan ug spoilers? tehehehehehe

    -=-=-=HERE BE A&D SPOILERS=-=-=-

    I was shocked about the whole camerlengo thing (the pope's right hand man). I mean, at first he was the most inspiring character in the story, especially at the part where he addressed the cardinals (and to millions of people via the media) that made me feel proud of being part of the Church.
    THEN he started getting weird. THEN that suddenly he's telling people that God told him where the antimatter canister is. THEN he becomes all Superman-ish and took it from the Necropolis and fly it upwards where it could go off saving the people who are assembling at St. Peter's Square. THEN he's supposed to DIE 'cause annihilation would mean anything that is in contact with the antimatter would...cease to exist. BUT NOOOO... after the antimatter fireworks in the sky, he MIRACULOUSLY appeared on one of them towers thing, looking all JC-ish. And inside that chopper (Langdon was there, of course).. He took the one and only parachute and saved himself leaving Langdon inside!

    The camerlengo's totally gone insane, I think. Since that whole revelation from the Pope and he didn't get to explain fully to him, it drove him mad(der) and singlehandedly raised the long-gone Illuminati brotherhood back from the grave. Raising old demons to stir up the old faith. So this whole Pope-killing/Antimatter stealing/Vetra-murder/Cardinal-branding/Vatican-annihilation thing was just his own plot TO GET PEOPLE BACK TO THE OLD FAITH! The Scientist Leonardo Vetra discovered anti-matter which would explain Genesis and he told the Pope and the camerlengo about it (for guidance. He was Catholic. His whole aim was to use science to prove God exists). Being the purist that he is, the camerlengo didn't like the idea of science ever explaining God (it's supposed to be a mystery of the heart and not the mind), he killed Vetra and stole the antimatter. He poisoned the Pope 'cause he's supposed to be loyal to the church and abhor anything as ridiculous as science proving the existence of God, and it drove him nuts that the Pope actually wanted to fund Vetra's work ('cause the Pope told him he owed so much to science)! So even though he loved the guy, he killed him, especially after the Pope revealed to him that he fathered a child.

    BEFORE you go crazy, it was later revealed to the camerlengo by Cardinal Mortati, the church's Devil's Advocate (some guy the church secretly assigns to dig the dirt on the would-be papal candidates to ensure they're good enough to be pope) anyway.. he revealed that the late pope fell in love with a nun but they both didn't want to break their vows of celibacy but they wanted a child (to participate in God's "ultimate miracle of creation"). So they had artificial insemination. So they both experience the joys of parenthood and still are virgins (fun). The nun left the convent to raise their kid but she was still super devout. She was killed by some bombing and so the Pope got the kid under his wing and raised him in the church. (I think this is the part of the story where the Catholic Church kinda...hated. :P)

    The kid turned out to be the Pope's camerlengo... (audience="gasp!")
    The Camerlengo hated science because science made evil things like bombs. Bombs killed his get me, right? :P

    So Illuminati...the ambigram brands were actually confiscated a long time ago from the brotherhood and is kept in the Papal Vault (full of interesting things like the "missing" and unpublished books of the Bible and Fatima's third prophecy..). He got the brands and hired the Hassassin to kill Vetra and the four cardinals who're more or less the favourite candidates for papacy by the College of Cardinals.

    No Illuminati. Just a very crazy priest who claims it was God's plan to bring the old fears to bring the people back to the church. He claims people need fear to have faith. But Vetra's daughter, Vittoria (also a scientist, co-developer of the antimatter and was off to Rome to find her dad's killer), points out he's just afraid his church would be obsolete and it's not the only way to search for God anymore.

    Yeah... I agree. I mean, most people believe because of fear. But some find faith through other places. God is everywhere, really, and His power can be seen in everything and everywhere, not just the church and its Scriptures. You can even find God in science. How scientists discover everything through science IS God's work. Heheh.
    taken from

  3. #3

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    nice kaayo na siya na book. grabe ka thrilling, nahuman gud nako in one day kay di jud mabutang hahahaha. neway, unexpected ang ending...hehehe

  4. #4

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    ahak, nana man dayon spoilers...wala pa ko mahuman...
    napa ko sa part nga si Vittoria and Langdon arrived in rome.ahak uy.

  5. #5

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    Ahehehehe...sorry superman....padayona lng jud na ug basa, there are many thrilling events that you will encounter that's not discussed in the spoiler. I've read that book, since last year pa...very nice book, gaily_girl is correct lisud kaayo ibutang ang libro, wala na gud ko tugpahay! hehehhee.

  6. #6
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    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    wahahahha.. kalooy nimo fafa DS! saun.. naunhan man nuon.. wala na lang taka basa sa spoiler. anyway, all i can say is i love this book better than da vinci's code.. mas exciting jud..

  7. #7

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    i agree. it's more exciting than the da vinci.

  8. #8

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    naa mo book of death?

  9. #9

    Default Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    cute kaayo ang ANGELS and DEMONS pro kato sa first part na kato nag cge ug describe about sa science kay boring pro mga later na part kay nindot na kaayo... az in thrilling kaayo 1 day ra gud nako gi basa... when landon was solving the clues ako sad kay nag try ug solve pro i knew in the first place na dli ang head sa cern si janus... i had a gut feeling na naa ra jud to sulod sa vatican....

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    haven't read this yet. someday soon, i will. It must be a thrilling as the da vinci code, right?

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