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  1. #1

    Default SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    i know some people who lost their faith when they became a catholic dahil sa mga they found light in being a born again christian...bu then they got dismayed kc ganun din daw ang mga they only go to church to have the quite need to pray and talk to god...i have to admit that im not a dedicated catholic, but HE STILL MY FAITH... FAITH or RELIGION? how do you get close to god??

  2. #2

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    "how do you get close to god"... depends on how you perceive your god

    its best to find him yourself, just remember in this walk of life... you only have one control, and thats yourself.. do not let others feed you
    of what they beleive, as you would be living their lives and not yours. continue searching for the "truth"...
    trust your judgement, on things you want to believe.. dont just beleive cause its a prerequisite to enter heaven...
    but believe because you acknowledge his existence, and by that you acknowledge your own existence, by then you will be enlighten as everything will fall into its own place.. and then everything will make sense.

    p.s. you dont need to listen to me either LOL!.

  3. #3

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    i no longer believe in any religion right now... theres just too many to choose from ., so i'd rather have my faith than a false religion.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    everybody is free to choose. some people might believe in both religion and God, some just believe in God and some dont believe in both. but what's important is that we live a righteous life, a life thats moral and not self-centered. it would be a lot better to be righteous in the eyes of God rather than being righteous at the eyes of men.

  5. #5

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    People has survived millions of years ago without religion so i don't think it's important at all. I belive in God and i pray directly. I don't need to go to church for that. Religions are one of the ways to divide people, to create chaos. They are their to espouse their beliefs on brainwash us. People has been hating each other because of it.

    Im so against organzed religion. It was created to line the pockets of the leaders. Look at the Pope, Scientology, etc. It's nothing more than a cult actually.

    To survive in this world, you must have money. And to do that, you make your own religion....

    The Vatican is the richest "church" in the world

    It's all about ECONOMICS and BUSINESS.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    Quote from innosaint: how do you get close to god??

    Jesus is a God who is personal, who wants to be intimate with His creation one on one.
    Now how do u get close to God? Actually he already paved the way by dying on the cross for the sins of man.

    But because of man's sinfulness, many times he has pushed God away and refused to receive God's sacrifice on the cross
    and choose to live his own life in his sinfulness and giving in to the pleasures of the world.

    Fact: Man can't save himself, that's why there's a need for a savior. I used to think that good works can actually get you
    closer to God, but no, it's not a pre requisite of getting to know God and going to heaven. But rather Good works is
    a result of a surrendered life to Jesus, a result of having a one on one personal relationship with the Master.

    Now going back to the question: how do you get close to god??
    First: you have to acknowledge your need for a savior, by first admitting that you are sinner.
    The bible says in Romans 3:10 - 11
    As it is written:
    “There is no one righteous, not even one;
    there is no one who understands,
    no one who seeks God.

    No amount of Good works can ever reach the standards of God.

    Second: Repent and by faith, surrender your life to the Lord and receiving His sacrifice on the cross for your sins. By doing that you actually acknowledge by making Him your Lord, meaning the master of your life, allowing him to take control of your life as He molds you to His purpose and will. And finally acknowledging Him as your Savior, believing that Jesus is the only one who can save you.

    God's promise when you surrender your life to him: Forgiveness of sins, for God says in his Word that he will remember your sins no more. He'll give you a life of peace, which surpasses all understanding and a life of joy, a joy which only God can give. unlike happiness which is based on the externals.

    A Final thought: Now what i have discussed could be done mechanically, it's all in the state of your heart when you do this. I just pray that when you do this, you this with a sincere and repentant heart, a heart who seeks the one true living God and Saviour, Jesus.

    That's why they call it the Good news, there is a way of man reconciling himself to the Lord, it is only through Jesus.

    John 14:6 "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
    John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

    Now isn't God good? :mrgreen:

  7. #7

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    wow.... tsk tsk tsk...

    its true that people now a days believe in God and not in religion... but if you ask me, I'd go for both.. although some people might think that religion brainwashes you on what to believe in, but sometimes religion helps your faith grow stronger, gives you multiple advice between right and wrong... It can make your relationship tighter between God and you...

    hmmm... knowing what/who God is truly not enough, we must know God not just by our mind, but also through our heart, the best way to know God is through mentally, Physically, and Spiritually...

    Truly, Praying is the most powerful weapon... You can communicate to God through praying... You can conquer everything, just by praying... Nothing is impossible, as long as you pray...

    there is so much to tell, but Words of God is unlimited...

    Pray everyday... :mrgreen:

  8. #8

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    your belief in God is your religion. religion is your relationship with God. you should not base your faith on whether the priests or pastors are leading extremely moral life. so long as they are doing their job as priests and pastors, that's all they are supposed to be doing. just like us. if i work in a call center, would it matter to the customers whether i have *** with prostitutes every day? no. so long as i render good service when i'm working.

    we should just try to concentrate and focus on what real faith and wisdom is, instead of becoming too judgmental.

  9. #9

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    faith and spirituality are personal experiences. What I go through in this process, others may not understand..and they don't have to

  10. #10

    Default Re: SOME PEOPLE belive in GOD but not in RELIGION...

    no matter what religion are you into as long as do you believed in one God ok ra man cguro na...

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