Right smack in the middle of November, the year almost coming to a close, I can’t help but look back and say, this year was certainly an affiliate marketing software year.

2007 saw the release of several tools and programs to help affiliate marketers, many were referred to as spy tools and even had the word spy in it, some were positioned as research tools; there is even one that I tried out briefly that a novel oriental assassin to it, “ninja”.

With the year almost ending, there is just one more program that will soon be launched and that is Google Assassin by Chris X of the famed Affiliate Project X, Day Job Killer and Adwords Miracle. If you remember Day Job Killer is that ClickBank bestseller that sold 9,000 copies in it first week alone. Often touted as the sequel to DJK, Google Assassin is more than just an ebook or affiliate marketing instruction manual. It is a membership site complete with courses, lessons, materials… and access to this new software Chris is supposed to have spent over $45,000 to develop. This thing is called Automated Annihilation.

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